
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Summer reading: nonfiction reviews

Over the last 15 months I've reviewed or commented on some 40 books on this blog. Here's the nonfiction list--with links to my reviews--of books about sex and marriage, worship and coffee, anxiety and happiness, food and animals ...

OK, so there isn't much of a theme, which must mean I'm a hedgehog and not a fox. If that metaphor is unfamiliar, check out the first review on the fiction list here.

Brown, The Body and Society
Butcher, A Little Daily Wisdom
Coontz, Marriage: A History
Galli, Beyond Smells and Bells
Gill, How Starbucks Saved My Life
Grandin, Animals Make Us Human
Hathaway, The Year of the Goat
Jones, The Tenth Muse: My Life in Food
Kolodiejchuk /Mother Teresa, Come Be My Light
Madigan & Levenson, Resurrection: The Power of God for Christians and Jews
McMahon, Happiness: A History
Paulsell, Honoring the Body
Pearson, A Brief History of Anxiety
Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma
Squire, I Don’t: A Contrarian History of Marriage
Stark, The Rise of Christianity
Sweeney, Almost Catholic
Wright, Days of Deepening Friendship

3 more lists
2008 Books: The 10 Mosts
Books and films that break your heart
Fiction reviews through June 2009

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